Banbury achieved Fairtrade Town status on 11 March 2006.
This accolade is awarded by The Fairtrade Foundation when a Town has successfully achieved five goals:
- A range of at least two Fairtrade products are readily available in the areas shops and local cafes/catering establishments. Achieved December 2005.
- Fairtrade products are used by an appropriate number of local workplaces and community organisations. Achieved December 2005.
- Attract media coverage and popular support for the campaign. Coverage by Banbury Guardian, Banbury Cake, and BBC Radio Oxford achieved 19 January 2005.
- Local Steering Group, one member of which is a Town Councillor, is convened to ensure progress and continued commitment to the campaign. Achieved 19 January 2005.
- The Town Council passes a Resolution supporting Fairtrade and agrees to serve Fairtrade tea and coffee at its meetings and offices and canteens. Achieved 20 January 2005.
The campaign mounted a number of high profile events to promote Fairtrade and these were fully supported by the Town Mayor. Banbury worked hard to achieve Fairtrade Town status and has to continue to work to maintain this.