
Banbury Town Council has six allotment sites within the Town. Grange Road and Sinclair Avenue are directly managed by the council and the others are managed by Allotment Holder Associations (contacts details below).

Anyone wanting to become a plot holder at Grange Road or Sinclair Avenue should complete an application form and read the conditions of tenancy by downloading the relevant files (see below) or contact the Town Council on 01295 250340.

The current rental for a full plot is £30 a year and a half plot is £15 payable at the beginning of the agreed term of rental and renewed annually at the beginning of the financial year in April. The size of a full plot is approximately 28m x 7m, and half plots are available to first-year plot holders, these measure approximately 14m x 7m.


Sinclair Avenue Allotments

Sinclair Avenue, Banbury, OX16 1BG


Grange Road Allotments

Grange Road, Banbury, OX16 9BA

(Limited Vehicle Access off Oxford Road)



Allotment Holder Associations

Anyone wanting a plot at the sites managed, should contact the secretary of the relevant association, or make a site visit to enquire about vacancies.

Dover Avenue
Wendy Brady
Greg Butler 
Spital Farm
Sandra Mold
Woodgreen Avenue
Neil Putt

Useful Information

For more information on how to cultivate and maintain an allotment use the link below which will take you to the National Allotment Society website - 


 The National Allotment Society  


Other useful information - 


Allotment Health & Safety  
Planning and Designing a Plot 
Clearing an Overgrown Plot 
 Water Use on Allotments 
Supporting Wildlife