
Banbury Town Council is responsible for two cemeteries within the town.  Southam Road Cemetery is located within the town centre, and Hardwick Hill Cemetery located on the outskirts of the town, both on the Southam Road.  The council is also responsible for St Mary's Churchyard.  

The Council's in-house grounds maintenance team are dedicated to work within our cemeteries to carry out all the grounds maintenance and grave digging within both cemeteries.  

Please click the images below to learn more about each cemetery. 

Burial Registers / Grave Searches

The burial registers for both cemeteries are kept at Banbury Town Hall. Anyone requiring a family search should contact the town council.
The name of the deceased and approximate year of burial are needed for a search to be carried out.

Installation of Memorials 
We have a Memorial Masons Registration Scheme where only registered stonemasons can work within out cemeteries.  Stonemasons must complete and provided relevant documents to be able to carryout works within our cemeteries.  Stonemasons must also be NAMM or BRAMM registered and work to their regulations.

Click Here for a list of Registered Stonemasons 

Memorial Stability
Banbury Town Council has an inspection programme to determine and identify unsafe memorials and headstones in its cemeteries. Safety in burial grounds has become a major issue in the UK, with people being killed or injured by falling memorials. 

All memorials are inspected every 5 years, but some memorials could be inspected earlier dependent on their condition.  All new memorials installed are inspected following their installation.

If you have an unsafe sign on your memorial, you need to contact a stonemason to carryout the remedial works.  For more information please contact 01295 250340.