Hardwick Hill Cemetery

Hardwick Hill cemetery, Southam Road, OX16 1ST, opened in 1994 and covers 6 acres of land with space for approximately 5,000 graves.

The area has 10 lawn sections, a general section (kerbsets), cremated remains area, children’s area and a Muslim burial area. It is a modern and attractive open plan cemetery benefiting from a wide range of planting and trees throughout the sections.

The cremated remains section has an enclosed hedgerow to seclude the area, trellis fencing with climbing roses and memorial benches.

There are two car parks within the cemetery and a memorial garden tucked away at the back of the cemetery. 

Map of Hardwick Hill Cemetery 

Banbury Crematorium is also based within Hardwick Hill cemetery, but this is owned and managed by the London Cremation Company - 01295 226500. 



cremation space
