Commonwealth War Memorials

war memorials

The Commonwealth war memorials can be found within the Southam Road Cemetery.

A defined area contains 25 World War II memorials, which is maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Other war memorials from World War I can be found throughout the older part of the cemetery.

For further information on the Commonwealth War Memorials click here.

Peoples Park War Memorial

"Lest We Forget" the Great War 1914 - 1918

"In honoured memory of the 325 men and 1 woman of the Borough of Banbury who gave their lives.

Also, to the memory of those who fell in the 1939 - 1945 war"

(Wording on the war memorial)

The memorial is surrounded by 'Help the Heroes' roses, this was planted as part of the Royal British Legions' 90th anniversary in 2011.

Banbury’s war memorial was awarded listed building status by Historic England in September 2015.

war memorial

St Mary's Church, Horsefair

Inside the church, to the right of the staging, is a large wooden war memorial which lists the names of the fallen.

roll of honour