Record of Delegated Decisions

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014

These Regulations require a decision-making officer to produce a written record of any decision which would otherwise have been taken by the relevant council, or a committee, sub-committee of that council, but it has been delegated to an officer and the effect of the decision is to;

(i) grant a permission or licence;
(ii) affect the rights of an individual, or
(iii) award a contract or incur expenditure which, in either case, materially affects the council’s financial position.

Examples of Decisions to be recorded


  • To award or renew a lease.
  • To refuse a request for access to information.
  • To award a contract or incur expenditure above £50,000.
  • To withdraw or refuse any council service, e.g. terminating an allotment agreement.


Examples of Decisions not to be recorded


  • Routine administrative and organisational decisions.
  • To sign an allotment tenancy agreement.
  • To allocate burial plots.
  • To book sports pitches.
  • To approve works undertaken by a contractor.
  • Any written decision that is already recorded by a written record and produced by virtue of other legislation.
  • Any decision that would be exempt or confidential.


Record of Delegated Decision 2021

01-21 Termination of Allotment Plot

Record of Delegated Decision 2020

01-20 Termination of Allotment Plot