St Mary's Churchyard

St Marys Church

This site, although still owned by the Church, is maintained by the Town Council. This area is no longer available for burials and is designated as a closed churchyard and therefore the responsibility for the maintenance of the area transfers from the Church to the Town Council.

The maintenance of the site is governed by the nature of the work. Routine issues such as litter picking, grass cutting, shrub bed, memorial stability and winter maintenance is undertaken with no recourse to the Church. Should the Council wish to re-develop / or change an area then permission would be required through the Oxford Diocese office.

There are many interesting tombstones within the churchyard and many were removed and placed into the pathways surrounding the church.

In particular, there is a plaque named "Gulliver's Travels", Jonathan Swift hints in the preface to the 1726 edition of Gulliver's Travels, that he had taken the name of Gulliver from tombstones in the Churchyard at Banbury.

The church holds the burial records for the churchyard and you would need to contact them on 01295 253329 to arrange a search of the registers. 

gulllivers travel plaque